NativeScript Core

Project Structure

The default structure of a blank NativeScript project consists of a root folder that contains the app, platforms and node_modules directories, and a package.json configuration file.

└── app
    ├── App_Resources
    └── ...
├── node_modules
├── platforms
└── package.json

There are several other directories and configuration files that can be present in your project based on the initial template, the programming language (JavaScript or TypeScript) or the plugins that you are using in your application. This article covers the files and folders that are always present in a NativeScript project, as well as some of the more common ones that you may encounter while developing your app.

The app/ directory

The app directory in the root of the project is the development space for your project. Place all your common and platform-specific code in this directory. When the app is prepared for a build, the NativeScript tooling copies relevant content to the platform-specific folders for each target platform.

In the app directory, you can use platform-specific files to provide customized functionality and design for each target platform. To indicate that a file is platform-specific, make sure that the file name is in the following format: name.ios.extension or For example: main.ios.js or

You can develop shared functionality or design in common files. To indicate that a file is common, make sure that the file name does not contain a .android. or .ios. string.

In the app folder, you will also find the App_Resources directory.

NOTE The location of the app directory can be overridden in the nsconfig.json file.


This is a secondary package.json file in which you can specify the entry point file of the app and to configure the behavior of the NativeScript runtimes. Below is an example of a basic secondary package.json file.

    "main": "app.js",
    "discardUncaughtJsExceptions": true,
    "android": {
        "v8Flags": "--expose_gc",
        "forceLog": true
    "ios": {
        "jscFlags": "--dumpOptions=2 --validateOptions=1"

Discarding JavaScript Exceptions Called from Native

Normally, an unhandled exception from JavaScript code called from a native API will crash the application showing the stack trace. If you want to prevent such crashes you can override this behavior using the discardUncaughtJsExceptions flag.

All discarded exceptions can be processed in the app by either subscribing to the application.discardedErrorEvent and using the received DiscardedErrorEventData instance, or by assigning a one-argument function to global.__onDiscardedError which will receive the exception as a NativeScriptError instance. Usually you would want to log and/or report the exception to analytics.

For example:

var application = require("application");

application.on(application.discardedErrorEvent, function (args) {
    const error = args.error;

    console.log("Received discarded exception: ");
    //report the exception in your analytics solution here

Android Runtime Configuration

For description of the flags which are specific to the Android runtime see the Android custom flags article.

iOS Runtime Configuration

For description of the flags which are specific to the iOS runtime see the iOS custom flags article.


The App_Resources folder contains the platform-specific resources of the application (icons, configuration files etc.):

  • The configuration files that are respected by the NativeScript tooling are the App_Resources/Android/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml for Android, and the App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist for iOS.

  • The App_Resources/iOS/build.xcconfig or App_Resources/Android/app.gradle files can be used to add or remove additional build properties for the iOS and Android platforms, respectively.

  • Native Android source code can be dropped in at App_Resources/Android/src/main/java (after creating the proper package subdirectory structure), while native iOS source code – at App_Resources/iOS/src/ (more info can be found here)

  • Metadata filtering rules can be specified in App_Resources/Android/native-api-usage.json and App_Resources/iOS/native-api-usage.json respectively. For more detailed description of this feature read this article

The platforms Directory

The platforms directory is created when you start a build or add a target platform to your project. The NativeScript tooling creates a new subdirectory with the respective platform name. These subdirectories have the platform-specific project structure required for native development with the native SDKs of the platform. When the project is prepared for build, the NativeScript tooling copies relevant content from the app directory to the platform-specific subdirectory for each target platform.

IMPORTANT: Avoid editing files located in the platforms subdirectories because the NativeScript CLI overrides them with the content of the app directory during the prepare <Platform> process.

The package.json File

The main package.json, which is located in the root directory of the project, contains details about the application, its dependencies and other helpful information. You can set common npm package.json properties like author, description and version, or specify the npm packages and NativeScript plugins on which your app depends by modifying the dependencies and devDependencies attributes.

The root package.json also contains several NativeScript-specific properties which are placed inside the nativescript object:

  • id - Specifies the unique application identifier (App ID) of the app. To be able to build for both Android and iOS, your App ID must be unique and contain two or more strings, separated by a dot. Each string must start with a letter and should contain only letters and numbers. The app identifier must not start with an uppercase letter. For more information about the App ID and how to specify different identifiers for iOS and Android, see What is App identifier.
  • tns-android.version - Specifies the version of the Android runtime. If the property is missing, the latest version of the runtime will be added on the first run or build for Android.
  • tns-ios.version - Specifies the version of the iOS runtime. If the property is missing, the latest version of the runtime will be added on the first run or build for iOS.

Here is an example of a basic main package.json file:

    "nativescript": {
        "id": "org.nativescript.myApplication",
        "tns-android": {
            "version": "6.1.2"
        "tns-ios": {
            "version": "6.1.0"
    "description": "My NativeScript Application",
    "license": "MIT",
    "repository": "",
    "dependencies": {
        "nativescript-theme-core": "~1.0.6",
        "tns-core-modules": "~6.1.0"
    "devDependencies": {
        "nativescript-dev-webpack": "~1.2.0"
    "readme": "My NativeScript Application"

The hooks Directory

The hooks folder exists only when the project depends on plugins that require a hook to function properly. Hooks are executable pieces of code or Node.js scripts that are used to alter or augment the behavior of an extendable NativeScript CLI command. For more information about hooks and how to use them in NativeScript, see Extending the CLI.

The tsconfig.json File

The tsconfig.json file is present only in projects that use TypeScript. The file works as a guide during the transpilation of TypeScript to JavaScript. You can fine-tune the transpilation process by configuring the various compiler options. For more information about tsconfig.json, see the official TypeScript documentation.

The nsconfig.json File

The nsconfig.json is an optional configuration file, located at the root project directory on the same level as the main package.json file. This file makes it possible for users to modify the structure of their application. The available configurations are appPath, appResourcesPath, overridePods and webpackConfigPath.

The paths (appPath, appResourcesPath, webpackConfigPath) must be relative to the project root (where the package.json file and platforms directory are located) in order for everything to work as expected. If appPath is omitted, the CLI will assume the application files are located inside a folder called app inside the project folder. If appResourcesPath is omitted, the CLI will assume that they are at their default location - a folder called App_Resources inside the folder containing the rest of the app files. The webpackConfigPath option allows you to specify the location of your webpack configuration file. If the value is not set, the CLI will use webpack.config.js file located at the root of the application. More information for webpackConfigPath option is available in custom webpack configuration article. The overridePods option tells the CLI to use the Cocoapods defined in the project's Podfile (inside App_Resources/iOS/Podfile) as a resolution in case pluginstry to use different versions of the same pod. For example, in case plugin A wants to use version 2.7 of AFNetworking pod and another plugin wants version 3.0 of the same pod, the build operation will fail. In this case, you can set the overridePods to true in your nsconfig.json and set version of the AFNetworking in your App_Resources/iOS/Podfile. CLI will use only this version of the pod and will omit the occurences from the plugins. All other pods from plugins will still be included in the application.

nsconfig.json Path examples

Let's assume the project is located at /d/work/myApplication.

  • The first and default option is to not have an nsconfig.json file inside your project. In this case, the app will be located at /d/work/myApplication/app and the resources at /d/work/myApplication/app/App_Resources. CLI will look for webpack.config.js file as the webpackConfigPath is not set and it will not override any pods versions as overridePods is false by default.

  • The second option is to specify only the app directory. The example given below will result in an app located at /d/work/myApplication/code/src and resources at /d/work/myApplication/code/src/App_Resources.

        "appPath": "code/src"
  • The third option is to specify only the app resources directory. The example given below will result in an app located at /d/work/myApplication/app and resources at /d/work/myApplication/resources.

        "appResourcesPath": "resources"
  • The fourth option is to specify both the app folder and resources directories. The example given below will result in an app located at /d/work/myApplication/code/src and resources at /d/work/myApplication/resources.

        "appPath": "code/src",
        "appResourcesPath": "resources"
  • You can set all of the properties: JSON { "appPath": "code/src", "appResourcesPath": "resources", "webpackConfigPath": "my-custom.webpack.config.js", "overridePods": true }