NativeScript Core

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tns device ios


Lists all recognized connected iOS devices with serial number and index.

WARNING: You can run this command only on Windows and macOS systems. To view the complete help for this command, run $ tns help device ios


Usage Synopsis
General $ tns device ios [--timeout <Milliseconds>]


  • --available-devices - Lists all available emulators for iOS.
  • --timeout - Sets the time in milliseconds for the operation to search for connected devices before completing. If not set, the default value is 4000. The operation will continue to wait and listen for newly connected devices and will list them after the specified time expires.

Command Limitations

  • You can run $ tns device ios on Windows and OS X systems.
Command Description
device Lists all recognized connected devices with serial number and index, grouped by platform.
device android Lists all recognized connected physical and running virtual devices with serial number and index.
device list-applications Lists the installed applications on all connected Android and iOS devices.
device log Opens the device log stream for a selected connected device.
device run Runs the selected application on a connected Android or iOS device.