NativeScript Core

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tns plugin build


Attempts to build the plugin's Android-specific project files located in platforms/android. Strips and removes include.gradle flavor declarations, if any are present. Attempts to build the plugin's Android-specific project files located in platforms/android. The resulting Android Library (aar), and the generated Android Gradle project used to build the library can be found at platforms/android. Also strips and removes include.gradle flavor declarations, if any are present. For more information about working with plugins, see NativeScript Plugins.


Usage Synopsis
General $ tns plugin build


  • Verify that the command is being executed in the source directory of a plugin - e.g. nativescript-barcodescanner/src
Command Description
plugin Lets you manage the plugins for your project.
plugin install Installs the specified plugin and its dependencies.
plugin remove Uninstalls the specified plugin and its dependencies.