NativeScript Core

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tns device run


Runs the selected application on a connected Android or iOS device.

WARNING: You can work only with connected Android devices.


Usage Synopsis
General $ tns device run <Application ID> [--device <Device ID>]


  • --device - If multiple devices are connected, sets the device on which you want to run the app. <Device ID> is the device index or identifier as listed by the $ tns device command.


  • <Application ID> is the application identifier as listed by $ tns device list-applications.


Before running your app on an iOS device, verify that your system and app meet the following requirements.

  • You are running the NativeScript CLI on a macOS system.
  • You have installed the latest version of Xcode.
  • You have built your app with the debug build configuration.

Before running your app on an Android device, verify that your app meets the following requirement.

  • You have built your app with the debug build configuration.

Command Limitations

  • You can run this command on one connected device at a time.
  • You can run this command for iOS devices only on macOS systems.
Command Description
device Lists all recognized connected devices with serial number and index, grouped by platform.
device android Lists all recognized connected physical and running virtual devices with serial number and index.
device ios Lists all recognized connected iOS devices with serial number and index.
device list-applications Lists the installed applications on all connected Android and iOS devices.
device log Opens the device log stream for a selected connected device.