NativeScript Core


NativeScript applications consist of pages that represent the separate application screens.

Pages are instances of the Page class from the Page module. To navigate between pages, you can use the methods of the Frame module. This article will provides guidelines for creating and accessing pages, using page events with the related event data and implementing page navigation.

Page Creation

Pages represent the separate screens of your application. Each page is an instance of the Page class.

NativeScript provides two approaches to instantiating your pages.

Create a page in XML

You can define the UI declaration and the code for the page separately.

To apply this approach, create an XML file for each page to hold the layout of the page. Thus your code will be in a JS or a TS file. The names of the XML and the JS or TS file must match.

<Page loaded="onPageLoaded">
        <ActionBar title="Page Creation"/>
    <!-- Each page can have only a single root view -->
        <!-- content here -->
        <Label text="Hello, world!"/>

Create a page via code

To apply this approach, you need to create a function named createPage that will return an instance of your page. NativeScript considers createPage a factory function.

const Page = require("tns-core-modules/ui/page").Page;
const Label = require("tns-core-modules/ui/label").Label;
const StackLayout = require("tns-core-modules/ui/layouts/stack-layout").StackLayout;

function createPage() {
    // Creating of the page content
    const stack = new StackLayout();
    const label = new Label();
    label.text = "Hello, world!";

    const page = new Page();
    // A page can have only one single root view set via the content property (in this case a StackLayout)
    page.content = stack;

    return page;
exports.createPage = createPage;

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Page Reference

Getting a reference to the current Page instance is a common scenario. The below examples are demonstrating different approaches to get Page reference.

Reference via page events

The common navigation events and the View's loaded and unloaded event can be used to get a page reference.

function onPageLoaded(args) {
    console.log("Page Loaded!");
    const page = args.object;
    console.log("Page reference from loaded event: ", page);
exports.onPageLoaded = onPageLoaded;

function onNavigatedTo(args) {
    console.log("Page onNavigatedTo!");
    const page = args.object;
    console.log("Page reference from navigatedTo event: ", page);
exports.onNavigatedTo = onNavigatedTo;

Reference via page property

Each NativeScript view has a page property that can be used to get a page reference.

function onStackLoaded(args) {
    console.log("Root StackLayout Loaded!");
    const stack = args.object;
    const page =;
    console.log("Page reference from page child element: ", page);
exports.onStackLoaded = onStackLoaded;

function onButtonTapped(args) {
    console.log("Button Tapped!");
    const button = args.object;
    const page =;
    console.log("Page reference from button tap event: ", page);
exports.onButtonTapped = onButtonTapped;

Reference via currentPage property

Each Frame instance has a currentPage property that can be used to get a page reference.

const getFrameById = require("tns-core-modules/ui/frame").getFrameById;

function onNavigatingTo(args) {
    console.log("Page navigatingTo");
    const rootFrame = getFrameById("root-frame");
    const page = rootFrame.currentPage;
    console.log("Page reference from currentPage property of Frame: ", page);
exports.onNavigatingTo = onNavigatingTo;

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Page Events

There are four page specific events triggered when a page is being navigate to and from.

  • navigatingTo - Triggered when entering a page (the navigation has started).
  • navigatedTo - Triggered when entering a page (the navigation has ended).
  • navigatingFrom - Triggered when leaving a page (the navigation has started).
  • navigatedFrom - Triggered when leaving a page (the navigation has ended).
<Page navigatedFrom="onNavigatedFrom"
Forward navigation Backward navigation
navigation-events-forward navigation-events-backwards

Note: The events loaded, unloaded and layoutChanged are UI component lifecycles events and are universal for all classes that extends the View class (including Page). They can be used with all NativeScript elements (e.g. layouts, buttons, UI plugins, etc.).

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See Also ActionBar