NativeScript Core

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tns autocomplete disable


Disables command-line completion for bash and zsh shells. You need to restart the shell to complete the operation.

NOTE: This operation might modify the .bash_profile, .bashrc and .zshrc files.


Usage Synopsis
General $ tns autocomplete disable
Command Description
autocomplete Asks for confirmation if command line autocompletion should be enabled for bash and zsh.
autocomplete-status Prints the current status of your command-line completion settings.
autocomplete-enable Configures your current command-line completion settings.
usage-reporting Configures anonymous usage reporting for the NativeScript CLI.
error-reporting Configures anonymous error reporting for the NativeScript CLI.
help Lists the available commands or shows information about the selected command.
doctor Checks your system for configuration problems which might prevent the NativeScript CLI from working properly.
proxy Displays proxy settings.
proxy clear Clears proxy settings.
proxy set Sets proxy settings.
update Updates the project with the latest versions of iOS/Android runtimes and cross-platform modules.