NativeScript Core

RadCalendar Year View Styling

In order to apply custom style for this mode, you need to initialize the yearViewStyle property of RadCalendar with instance of CalendarYearViewStyle. To apply custom style to title you need to initialize the titleCellStyle with instance of CellStyle class.

The CellStyle class has properties for common styling options:

  • cellBorderWidth - defines the border width of the title
  • cellBorderColor - defines the border color of the title
  • cellBackgroundColor - defines the background color of the title
  • cellAlignment - defines the content alignment in the title
  • cellTextColor - defines the color for the text shown in the title
  • cellTextFontName - defines the name of the font you want to use.
  • cellTextFontStyle - defines the style of the font used for text in title.
  • cellTextSize - defines the text size in title
  • cellPaddingHorizontal - defines the amount of horizontal padding
  • cellPaddingVertical - defines the amount of vertical padding

Customization of month cels is done by initializing the monthCellStyle with instance of MonthCellStyle class. Here are the available properties:

  • weekendTextColor - defines the text color for weekend days.
  • todayTextColor - defines the text color for today date in month.
  • dayTextColor - defines the text color for regular days in month.
  • dayFontName - defines the font name for days in month.
  • dayFontStyle - defines the font style for days in month.
  • dayTextSize - defines the size of text for days in month cell.
  • dayNameTextColor - defines the text color for day names in month cell.
  • dayNameFontName - defines the font for day names in month cell.
  • dayNameFontStyle - defines the font style for day names in month cell.
  • dayNameTextSize - defines the text size of day names in month cell.
  • monthNameTextColor - defines the text color for title of month in cell.
  • monthNameFontName - defines the font name for month title in cell.
  • monthNameFontStyle - defines the font style for month title in cell.
  • monthNameTextSize - defines the text size for month title in cell.


Here's an example of using the properties mentioned above:

    <rc:CalendarYearViewStyle >
            <rc:CellStyle  cellBackgroundColor="#f1e8ca" cellBorderWidth="2" cellBorderColor="#745151" cellTextColor="#745151" cellTextFontName="Times New Roman" cellTextFontStyle="Bold" cellTextSize="18" />

            <rc:MonthCellStyle  weekendTextColor="#dd855c"
                                        dayTextColor="#745151"  dayFontName="Times New Roman" dayFontStyle="Bold" dayTextSize="12"
                                        dayNameTextColor="#9ebd9e" dayNameFontName="Times New Roman" dayNameFontStyle="Bold" dayNameTextSize="14"
                                        monthNameTextColor="#dd855c" monthNameFontName="Times New Roman" monthNameFontStyle="BoldItalic" monthNameTextSize="15"/>

This is how the calendar looks like in that case:

Calendar year view styling Calendar year view styling


Want to see this scenario in action? Check our SDK examples repo on GitHub. You will find this and many other practical examples with NativeScript UI.

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