NativeScript Core

RadAutoCompleteTextView Display Modes

RadAutoCompleteTextView has two predefined display modes.

Display mode can be changed with the displayMode property of the RadAutoCompleteTextView. The default value is Plain.

<au:RadAutoCompleteTextView displayMode="Tokens"/>

Plain Mode

In plain mode RadAutoCompleteTextView displays chosen item as plain text. With this mode only one item can be chosen.

Tokens Mode

Tokens mode allows multiple choice of items, which are displayed as tokens.

When RadAutoCompleteTextView's displayMode is Tokens, you can apply two different behaviors for token arrangement.

The layout mode of the tokens can be changed with the layoutMode property. The default value of this property is Wrap.

<au:RadAutoCompleteTextView layoutMode="Wrap"/>

Wrap Layout

In wrap mode tokens are arranged on multiple lines. Every time a new line is started the RadAutoCompleteTextView is expanding in order to show all tokens.

Horizontal Layout

In horizontal mode tokens are displayed on single line which can be scrolled horizontally in order to display all tokens.


Want to see more examples using RadAutoCompleteTextView? Check our SDK examples repository on GitHub. You will find this and a lot more practical examples with NativeScript UI.

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