NativeScript Core

Application Settings

The application-settings module allows you to save and restore information related to your application.


Basic usage of the application-settings module in a component:

const appSettings = require("tns-core-modules/application-settings");

function onNavigatingTo(args) {
    appSettings.setBoolean("isTurnedOn", true);
    appSettings.setString("username", "Wolfgang");
    appSettings.setNumber("locationX", 54.321);

    const isTurnedOn = appSettings.getBoolean("isTurnedOn");
    const username = appSettings.getString("username");
    const locationX = appSettings.getNumber("locationX");

    // Will return "No string value" if there is no value for "noSuchKey"
    const someKey = appSettings.getString("noSuchKey", "No string value");

    // Will return false if there is no key with name "noSuchKey"
    const isKeExisting = appSettings.hasKey("noSuchKey");
exports.onNavigatingTo = onNavigatingTo;

function onClear() {
    // Removing a single entry via its key name

    // Clearing the whole application-settings for this app
import {
} from "tns-core-modules/application-settings";

export function onNavigatingTo(args) {
    setBoolean("isTurnedOn", true);
    setString("username", "Wolfgang");
    setNumber("locationX", 54.321);

    const isTurnedOn: boolean = getBoolean("isTurnedOn");
    const username: string = getString("username");
    const locationX: number = getNumber("locationX");

    // Will return "No string value" if there is no value for "noSuchKey"
    const someKey: string = getString("noSuchKey", "No string value");

    // Will return false if there is no key with name "noSuchKey"
    let isKeExisting: boolean = hasKey("noSuchKey");

function onClear() {
    // Removing a single entry via its key name

    // Clearing the whole application-settings for this app

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Name Type Description
clear void Removes all stored values.
flush boolean Flush all changes to disk synchronously. The return flag indicates if changes were saved successfully to disk.
getAllKeys Array<string> Array containing all stored keys
getBoolean(key: string, deafaultValue?: boolean) boolean Gets a value (if existing) for a key as a Boolean Object. A default value can be provided in case there is no existing value.
getNumber(key: string, deafaultValue?: number) number Gets a value (if existing) for a key as a Number Object. A default value can be provided in case there is no existing value
getString(key: string, deafaultValue?: string) string Gets a value (if existing) for a key as a String Object. A default value can be provided in case there is no existing value.
hasKey(key: string) boolean Checks whether such a key exists.
remove void Removes an entry by its key name.
setBoolean(key: string, value: boolean) void Sets a Boolean Object for a key.
setNumber(key: string, value: number) void Sets a Number Object for a key.
setString(key: string, value: string) void Sets a String Object for a key.

API References

Name Type
tns-core-modules/application-settings Module

Native Component

Android iOS
android.content.SharedPreferences NSUserDefaults