NativeScript Angular

User Interface Widget Components

NativeScript ships with a set of user interface views (also known as widgets) which you can use to build the user interface of a mobile application. Most of these views wrap the corresponding native view for each platform while providing a common API for working with it. For example, the Button view renders an android.widget.Button on Android and UIButton on iOS.

Defining the layout of the application is also an important part of the application development. For more information about the different layout containers that are available in NativeScript, see The NativeScript Layout System.

TIP: You can access the underlying native widget for each view at runtime using the nativeView property:


Accessing the native widgets might be useful when you want to use some platform-specific functionalities of the widget. You can find information about the underlying native component for each view below.

Each component comes with a set of common methods available from the extended View class. Dedicated documentation section covering the different measuring and position methods can be found here.


The Button widget provides a standard button widget that reacts to a tap event.

button androidbutton ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.Button UIButton


The Label widget provides a text label that shows read-only text.

label androidlabel ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.TextView UILabel


The TextField widget provides an editable single-line text field.

text-field androidtext-field ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.EditText UITextField


The TextView widget provides an editable multi-line text view.

You can use it to show multi-line text and implement text editing.

text-view androidtext-view ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.EditText UITextView

The SearchBar widget provides a user interface for entering search queries and submitting requests to the search provider.

search-bar androidsearch-bar ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.SearchView UISearchBar


The Switch widget provides a two-state toggle switch from which you can choose between two options.

switch androidswitch ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.Switch UISwitch


The Slider widget provides a slider that you can use to pick a numeric value within a configurable range.

slider androidslider ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.SeekBar UISlider


The Progress widget is a visual bar indicator of a progress in a operation. It shows a bar representing the current progress of the operation.

progress androidprogress ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.ProgressBar (indeterminate = false) UIProgressView


The ActivityIndicator widget is a visual spinner indicator which shows that a task is in progress.

activity-indicator androidactivity-indicator ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.ProgressBar (indeterminate = true) UIActivityIndicatorView


The Image widget shows an image. You can load the image from an ImageSource or from a URL.

image androidimage ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.ImageView UIImageView


The ListView shows items in a vertically scrolling list. You can set an itemTemplate to specify how each item in the list should be displayed.

list-view androidlist-view ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.ListView UITableView


The HtmlView represents a view with HTML content. Use this component instead of WebView when you want to show just static HTML content.

html-view androidhtml-view ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.TextView UITextView


The WebView shows web pages. You can load a page from a URL or by navigating back and forward.

web-view androidweb-view ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.webkit.WebView WKWebView


With the TabView control, you can implement tab navigation.

tab-view androidtab-view ios

Native Component

Android iOS
androidx.viewpager.widget.ViewPager UITabBarController


With the SegmentedBar control, you can implement discrete selection.

segmented-bar androidsegmented-bar ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.TabHost UISegmentedControl


With the DatePicker control, you can pick a date.

date-picker androiddate-picker ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.DatePicker UIDatePicker


With the TimePicker widget, you can pick a time.

time-picker androidtime-picker ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.TimePicker UIDatePicker


With the ListPicker widget, you can pick a value from a list.

list-picker androidlist-picker ios

Native Component

Android iOS
android.widget.NumberPicker UIPickerView


The dialogs module lets you create and show dialog windows.

dialog-confirm androiddialog-confirm ios

NativeScript UI Overview

NativeScript UI is a set of free* components that enable implementing rich-ui applications for iOS and Android by using NativeScript. Progress NativeScript UI is built on top of natively implemented components targeting iOS and Android. Each of the components is available for download on as a separate package.

*Although the components are free, they are not open-source and their code is proprietary. Read the components' license for details.

In case you're interested in contributing to the code base, read the contributing options available.

Continue reading about each component below or take them for a spin with the NativeScript UI sample app on GitHub.



[Documentation] [Sample Code][Download from npm]

The SideDrawer component (known as RadSideDrawer in code and distributed through the nativescript-ui-sidedrawer package) allows you to follow a popular application pattern and show a hidden view which contains navigation UI or common settings. With SideDrawer you may:

  • Embed any content inside the sliding panel from text and icons, to sliders and filters;
  • Set the control to slide in from any of the four sides of the screen;
  • Pick from a large set of polished out-of-the-box transition modes;
  • Achieve programmatic control over the state of the side drawer;
  • Choose to cover the navigation or action bar.

sidedrawer ios sidedrawer android


[Documentation] [Sample Code][Download from npm]

NOTE: The professional ListView component is different from the ListView built in to the core NativeScript modules. Use the professional ListView if you need to take advantage of the advanced functionality listed below.

The ListView component (known as RadListView in code and distributed through the nativescript-ui-listview package) is a virtualizing list component that provides the most needed features associated with scenarios where a list of items is used. Features include:

  • Pull to refresh;
  • Load on demand;
  • Swipe to execute;
  • Header and footer;
  • Item animation when the user scrolls, and four out-of-the-box effects to choose from;
  • Linear, Grid, and Staggered layout modes, allowing horizontal and vertical scrolling direction;
  • Single and multiple selection modes;
  • Smart defaults for many gestures: select on long press, execution of special action on swipe, reorder of items on long press and drag, refreshing the list on swipe, and loading more items only when needed.

listview ios listview android


[Documentation] [Sample Code][Download from npm]

The Calendar component (known as RadCalendar in code and distributed through the nativescript-ui-calendar package) is a highly customizable native calendar abstraction that exposes a unified API, covering:

  • Four different view modes - Week, Month, MonthNames, and Year;
  • Single, Multiple, and Range date selection;
  • Inline and popover events;
  • Vast control over styling and cell customization options.

calendar ios calendar android


[Documentation] [Sample Code][Download from npm]

The Chart component includes two types of charts: cartesian (known as RadCartesianChart in code) and pie (known as RadPieChart in code) and is distributed through the nativescript-ui-chart package. It can be used to visualize data in a human-readable way through lines, areas, bars, pies, and more. Some features include:

  • Wide array of accepted data types: numerical, string or DateTime data depending on the chart you want to visualize;
  • Smooth interaction and zooming;
  • Various chart series options:

    • Show trends with Line, Area, and Spline Area charts;
    • Compare sets of data with Bar charts;
    • Illustrate proportions with Pie and Donut charts - and use Spline and Spline Area charts to plot data that require the use of curve fittings;
    • Show relationships among values using Scatter and Bubble series, even use Financial series and indicators.
  • Annotations, tooltips, and trackball;
  • Support for multiple axes.

chart ios chart android


[Documentation] [Sample Code][Download from npm]

The AutoComplete component (known as RadAutoCompleteTextView in code and distributed through the nativescript-ui-autocomplete package) offers suggested options to your users based on characters they type. It provides multiple means for easy customization and data management, including:

  • Suggest modes - you can choose to show suggestions in a drop-down list, one suggestion at a time in the text input, or a combination of both;
  • StartsWith and Contains completion modes;
  • Two distinct display modes: Plain in which only one item can be selected, and Tokens allowing multiple selection of suggestions (each displayed as a token);
  • Token Layout modes - Wrap and Horizontal.

autocompletetextview ios autocompletetextview android


[Documentation] [Sample Code][Download from npm]

The DataForm component (known as RadDataForm in code and distributed through the nativescript-ui-dataform package) provides an easy and versatile approach for building mobile forms based on a provided data object's public members. Use DataForm to:

  • Bind a form to a data object with a single line of code;
  • Take advantage of more than 15 built-in editors (or provide your own custom editor);
  • Create groups of editors, allow them to be collapsed and style them;
  • Display a form in ReadOnly mode;
  • Take control over collected data with built-in data validation - use a provided validator or create a custom one.

dataform ios dataform android


[Documentation] [Sample Code][Download from npm]

The Gauge component (known as RadRadialGauge in code and distributed through the nativescript-ui-gauge package) allows you to display the current status of a value within a range of upper and lower bounds, illustrate progress towards a goal, or a summary of a fluctuating metric. With the gauges component you may:

  • Add one or more RadialScale instances to your gauge;
  • Use Bar indicators to visualize a range of values or a Needle indicator to point to a specific value;
  • Include ready-to-use animations for smooth transition effects.

gauges ios gauges android

Further resources

SDK samples app

You can explore the Progress NativeScript UI getting started application, which is publicly available on GitHub. It contains various examples of the usage of the components. More information about how to run the application is available in its README.


Your feedback will be highly appreciated and will directly influence the development of Progress NativeScript UI.

You can submit issues and feedback to the dedicated feedback GitHub repository.