RadGauge Overview
is a highly customizable component that allows you to show the current status of a value within a range of upper and lower bounds, illustrate progress towards a goal or a summary of a fluctuating metric.
Figure 1: Radial gauge with indicators
supports multiple GaugeScale
objects. The scale has range and a set of indicators that are rendered according to the scale's range.
is a visual element that points to or visualizes a range of values on a scale. Multiple indicators can be added to a scale. Indicators can be animated when their value is changed.
Angular directives
When using the RadGauge
with Angular you are going to work with multiple custom angular RadGauge specific directives. In short these directives are used by the angular framework to enable 'linking' between separate HTML tags into one 'complex' element.
Here is a full list of the available custom Angular RadGauge
directives and components:
Represent the major elements:
Selector | Class (more details) |
RadRadialGauge | RadRadialGaugeComponent |
Represent the smaller elements that are visualized in RadListView
Selector | Class (more details) |
RadialScale | TKRadialScaleDirective |
RadialBarIndicator | TKRadialBarIndicatorDirective |
RadialNeedle | TKRadialNeedleDirective |
Inline Directives
Represent the 'link' mechanism of the smaller with the major elements
Selector | Class (more details) |
tkRadialGaugeScales | TKRadialGaugeScalesDirective |
tkRadialScaleIndicators | TKRadialScaleIndicatorsDirective |
tkRadialBarIndicatorStyle | TKRadialBarIndicatorStyleDirective |
tkRadialGaugeTitleStyle | TKRadialGaugeTitleStyleDirective |
tkRadialGaugeSubtitleStyle | TKRadialGaugeSubtitleStyleDirective |
tkRadialNeedleStyle | TKRadialNeedleStyleDirective |