NativeScript & Vue.JS

Chart Candlestick Series

CandlestickSeries are a type of CategoricalSeries that are typically used to illustrate movements in the price of a financial instrument over time. That movement is represented by candles visualizing the open, high, low and close price for a specific period. Candlesticks are composed of a body, and an upper and a lower shadow (wick). The body displays the range between the opening (starting) price and the closing (ending) price over one unit of time, e.g., one day or one hour. The wick illustrates the highest and lowest traded prices of an asset during the time interval represented. The candles are shown in different colors depending on whether prices rose or fell in that period.


To display an Candlestick Chart, you will need to:

  • Add RadCartesianChart to your component.
  • Add a category axis (CategoricalAxis, DateTimeCategoricalAxis or DateTimeContinuousAxis) with the v-tkCartesianHorizontalAxis directive.
  • Add a value axis (LinearAxis or LogarithmicAxis) with the v-tkCartesianVerticalAxis directive.
  • Add at least one instance of CandlestickSeries with the v-tkCartesianSeries directive and set its items property to a collection of data items, its categoryProperty to the name of the property of the data items that will be used to determine their category, and the openPropertyName, highPropertyName, lowPropertyName and closePropertyName to the names of the properties used to determine the open, high, low and close values.

To illustrate this setup, let's create an example. Just like with all vue 'pages' let's start with the Component in which we will place our RadCartesianChart instance. Before that, we would create a basic JS or TS module that contains a collection of objects, which will be used by the chart to provide intuitive data visualization.

#### Example 1: Define a collection of items

export const getCandlestickData = () => {
  return new ObservableArray([
    { Date: '01/6/2015', Open: 100, Close: 85, Low: 50, High: 139 },
    { Date: '27/7/2015', Open: 60, Close: 150, Low: 40, High: 159 },
    { Date: '18/8/2015', Open: 120, Close: 81, Low: 45, High: 141 },
    { Date: '19/9/2015', Open: 105, Close: 200, Low: 55, High: 250 }

export const getOhlcData = () => {
  return new ObservableArray([
    { Date: "20/6/2015", Open: 100, Close: 85, Low: 50, High: 139 },
    { Date: "02/7/2015", Open: 60, Close: 150, Low: 40, High: 159 },
    { Date: "01/8/2015", Open: 120, Close: 81, Low: 45, High: 141 },
    { Date: "01/9/2015", Open: 105, Close: 200, Low: 55, High: 250 }

#### Example 2: Add chart to component's template

import { getCandlestickData } from '../../data';

const description = 'Candlestick Series';

export default {
  name: 'CandleStickSeriesExample',
  description: description,
  template: `
    <ActionBar :title="title">
      <NavigationButton text="Back" android.systemIcon="ic_menu_back" @tap="onNavigationButtonTap"></NavigationButton>
      <DateTimeCategoricalAxis v-tkCartesianHorizontalAxis dateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd" verticalLocation="Bottom"></DateTimeCategoricalAxis>
      <LinearAxis v-tkCartesianVerticalAxis></LinearAxis>
      <CandleStickSeries v-tkCartesianSeries
        :items="items" />
  data () {
    return {
      title: description,
      items: getCandlestickData(),
  methods: {
    onNavigationButtonTap() {

Figure 1: Chart with CandlestickSeries on Android (left) and iOS (right)

Cartesian chart: Candlestick series Cartesian chart: Candlestick series


Want to see this scenario in action? Check our SDK examples repo on GitHub. You will find this and many other practical examples with NativeScript UI.

Examples used in this article:

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