Static keyframeAnimationsFromCSSDeclarations
- keyframeAnimationsFromCSSDeclarations(declarations: KeyframeDeclaration[]): KeyframeAnimationInfo[]
declarations: KeyframeDeclaration[]
Returns KeyframeAnimationInfo[]
Static keyframesArrayFromCSS
- keyframesArrayFromCSS(keyframes: UnparsedKeyframe[]): KeyframeInfo[]
keyframes: UnparsedKeyframe[]
Returns KeyframeInfo[]
- Module
- Object literal
- Variable
- Function
- Function with type parameter
- Index signature
- Type alias
- Enumeration
- Enumeration member
- Property
- Method
- Interface
- Interface with type parameter
- Constructor
- Property
- Method
- Index signature
- Class
- Class with type parameter
- Constructor
- Property
- Method
- Accessor
- Index signature
- Inherited constructor
- Inherited property
- Inherited method
- Inherited accessor
- Protected property
- Protected method
- Protected accessor
- Private property
- Private method
- Private accessor
- Static property
- Static method